Membership - Onespirit Ministers in Connection


Membership is free for all OneSpirit Ministers!

All ordained OneSpirit ministers and current students are welcome to join our ever-growing community, with open and loving arms.


Whether you are looking to develop your skills and knowledge, for personal and spiritual development, or simply connect with other like-minded people, we aim to serve you in your continuing ministries.


Joining is simple, click the button below, fill out your details, and receive regular newsletters and updates about our events and gatherings.

No, we are a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) in the UK. We are a separate entity to OSIF and ROSIM (Register of OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers). We are run by ministers, for ministers. We do, however, have close links with OSIF, often running crossover events and projects.

We're not going to lie, this is an ongoing challenge for us. We rely on gifts and donations, as well as running fundraising projects. We strongly believe in removing the barriers to knowledge and connection as much as possible, this includes financial barriers.

We can currently only welcome either ordained OneSpirit Interfaith ministers or those currently studying with OSIF. This is so that we can provide a safe space to those who follow the OneSpirit Code of ethics.

Simple! All you need do is join our mailing list. You are then considered a member. Click here to enter your details.